Achieve Your Goals One Step At A Time

Today I saw a joke (meme) posted on Facebook about how hard it was to achieve all the dreams you stepped out of high school to try and accomplish. It really is unbelievably hard. But I think sometimes we set ourselves up for failure. Hear me out first; okay usually when people make goals they set up a ton for themselves to accomplish. Maybe they are all different goals that don’t relate to one another at all, or maybe those goals are steps to the ultimate goal? If you are anything like me, I always tend to set multiple goals at a time of things I want to accomplish. Here they are:

  • To obtain my master’s degree in psychology
  • To improve my creative writing skills
  • To finish the book I have been writing
  • To become a counseling psychologist
  • To be a great mom
  • To eventually compete in WGI (World Guard International) color guard
  • To be happy mentally and physically

I might’ve quoted this before, and if I did I apologize, but this is my favorite quote from any Nicholas Spark’s books. “It truly is a crime to believe that a person is more than just that, a person.” We may have many dreams, and we all just want to be happy and do what we love. But juggling school, work, hobbies, and any relationship we have is exhausting as it is. So here is what I suggest. I’m not going to say give up on your dreams or some of your dreams. I just want you to focus on one at a time. Focus all your talents and whatever free time you have to devote yourself to your dreams and your goals. One at a time. It is possible. Just don’t go crazy and try to knock them all out. You are one person and although you can do anything, you cannot do everything at once. So take your time and give it your absolute best with each goal you do and complete. You can do it, there is no deadline. Take your time and love every minute of your life. That is my advice to you. Good luck!